

1. I wii never disscuss with a friend about my parents income. Because this matter is private things.If my friend talk to this matter, I think it is not they need to know.

2.Yes I have . First, I have same generation friend when I have met school from elementary school to university. So, I have sinior frienda that I met part time job or acquaintanceof my family and etc...
In the case of same age friend, I will go to karaoke, cafe, shopping, dinner, watch the movies and so on. Mainly I wii go to entertainment places. So, I will talk to about favorite singer or acter and actress, TV programs, part time job, romance with school friend.
On the other hands, case of older friend will be talking several things. Because, older friend meet only sometimes. I don't meet every time like same age friend. If I opportunity meet older friend, I will go to dinner and talk to about university, friend, study, recent event and so on. Mainliy I ask someone for aome advice to older frienf. Older friend is more superior than friend.

16 件のコメント:

  1. Hello
    I agree with you that"parents income"! It's really a private thing.I also think it is not between friends conversations when talk about parents income with a friend.

  2. Hi! As you say, I don't tolk about my parents income. Also, I wouldn't like to tolk about my income with my friends.

  3. hello.
    surely, I have never talked about my parents income. Other thing, I hardly talk about politics, religion and so on.

  4. Hello!:*)
    I didnt realise that!!
    I also have never talk about my parents income!!!

  5. Hi,Jall♪”
    I agrre with your opinion!!
    We don't have to talk about our parents income, I think.

  6. Hi!

    I agree with you.
    Income is very private problem.
    If I ask my friends about her income, maybe she feel bad.
    But many Japanese people want to ask it.

  7. hello jall!
    i also have different species of talking between older friends and same generation friends.

  8. hello :)

    oh I have never thought talking about parent's income! that's true,too private!!

    courtesy should not be forgotten even between close friends.

  9. Hi♪
    Surely,I have never talked about my parents income and very deep private thigs with my friends,too!

  10. Hi!
    I agree with you.
    I don't want to talk about income too.
    We maybe can't enjoy talking with friends if the subject is about money.

  11. Hello.
    yeah, Money will be very stick talking, isn't it?
    It is said that we don't talk about money(income) and political party which you support.
    Actually, I don't know my father's income.

  12. hi .
    I've never talk about my parent's income,too.

    actually I don't know my parents's income as well.

  13. Hi^^
    I think saying parents' income is bad too!! we need not to say these things!!

  14. Hello!
    I do not talk about my parents income withmy friend too. it is serious.

  15. WOW! So many comments. Great work everyone!

  16. Hello, everyone.
    Thank you so many comments and agree with my opinions!!!
    I'm glad to share your opinions.
