

1. I wii never disscuss with a friend about my parents income. Because this matter is private things.If my friend talk to this matter, I think it is not they need to know.

2.Yes I have . First, I have same generation friend when I have met school from elementary school to university. So, I have sinior frienda that I met part time job or acquaintanceof my family and etc...
In the case of same age friend, I will go to karaoke, cafe, shopping, dinner, watch the movies and so on. Mainly I wii go to entertainment places. So, I will talk to about favorite singer or acter and actress, TV programs, part time job, romance with school friend.
On the other hands, case of older friend will be talking several things. Because, older friend meet only sometimes. I don't meet every time like same age friend. If I opportunity meet older friend, I will go to dinner and talk to about university, friend, study, recent event and so on. Mainliy I ask someone for aome advice to older frienf. Older friend is more superior than friend.


The Language of Clothes

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?
Yes. I think almost people judge according to they wear. Because, especially Japanese sticks to personal appearances. If the man wearing dirty clothes, we will think homeless people. But He may not homeless. I think people has prejudices about clothes.

2. Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?
Yes. I think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country. I think important first impression on clothes.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?
I 'm wearing gray parka and beige trouser. No. I'm not refect my mood. I'm always informal wear.


Death and Funerals

(1)Death and Funerals
A:Yes. I have a host family in England. If my host family died, I will write to letter. So, I will write next sentence in the letter. "I'm very very sad, I can't believe it. I pray for the souls of the dead from remotely place in Japan."

B:I have never been to a foreign funeral. But I interesting in foreign countries funeral because, I want to know what form and what is doing buring funeral. I want to comparisons both funerals.

(2)The Language of Clothes
A:I don't know. I'm not strain at wear and designer. my inportant wear is put on simple clothes.

B:I think not deppend on anything, we should reflect seveal things by ourself maybe....


Class 1 Homeworks

1. Where do you go when you die?

I think I will go to heaven when I was die.
Because, My family is christian. I am going to church every Sundays.
I belive god. So, I will go to heaven when I was die.

2. Explain why do Japanese have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc. after a person's death?

Because, it is pray for the soul of the dead. So, I think that survivors are remember departed memory each years.